Reader Addict.

Posted on December 2, 2006. Filed under: comments |

Here is a confession, that I am a Google Reader Addict.
J, K, S and shift+S are enough to keep me alive for hours. I remain hooked to it if I am not on my table doing my college work. My friends ask me what do I do on computer all day. I say them its Reader which keeps me busy, they don’t believe it, and I just smile.
Whenever I open Firefox, I will open Google reader, sign in, then would open another tab to write Then I keep on switching between the two.
Things just don’t end there, I read the feeds and then mark them as favorite or share them or both. TO read what I read, go here.
It would be a nice fact, to know that how many feed blogs are out there, being read actively.
I can suggest only one thing, you should give Reader a try, because if you surf, read blogs, then you are truly missing something if you are not using Reader. And once you start using Reader then your english will start from J.

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